Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Great Gatsby, A Wonderful Classic Novel

The Great Gatsby 

The Great Gatsby was written in the 1920s and is still famous today.  What makes The Great Gatsby a classic novel is that it is a original idea. It stands out of the from the other novels of the time, since during that time the novels were about war and depression. Even if The Great Gatsby was about being wealthy, but it was beyond that. It shows us what money can do to a person, about the American Dream and what careless does to a person. Daisy married Tom instead of Gaisby since he was wealthy, but when Gatsby become wealthy she wanted him. The American Dream was to have a high class lifestyle and not have to work for the money. The people were not thankful for what they had, even if they had a nice life they wanted better.The people were careless during the time. Tom was careless and cheating on Mrytle, when Daisy was cheated on him, he was not okay with it. Daisy was worried about her own problems, she did not notice Mrytle on the road when she was driving. The Great Gatsby is a wonderful novel to read, you can learn a lot of life lessons from this novel.

The Great Gatsby is similar to Romeo and Juliet. The Great Gatsby is a love story between Gatsby and Daisy and about American Dream. In Romeo and Juliet, it was a love story between Romeo and Juliet. In both of the classic novels, a problem stands in front of their way. In Great Gatsby, Daisy was married to Tom. In the other novel, Romeo and Juliet were from different homes. Both outstanding novels were a tragery, Romeo and Juliet both died in the end. In the Great Gatsby, Gatsby was shot by Wilson for accusing him of running over Mrytle. I think for many years people are going to read The Great Gatsby and learn from the novel.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Letter to Sullivan Ballou

My very dear Sullivan,
Sullivan my love, the war is breaking us apart. Fighting for your county is an honer but i can not live without you. I will miss you until the day you are next to me.  I would always love you, please return home safe. My love to you is more than I can explain. The moment I shall see you again, is the day im waiting for. We shall meet again after the war is done. Return to your home and family, who are waiting for you. Do not think of the worst, think about coming both to your family and returning to us. I shall never be with any other man after you. You and our son is the reason that I am alive, the memories that we had together, shall never be forgotten. I believe one day we shall meet again, and forget the tragedy in our life and relive the great moments. I am waiting for you to return to our home and see our child growing up.  Sullivan, I love so dearly and shall be in love with you my whole life on earth and heaven.Do not give up hope, if you have something to live for, you will live.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Cleveland Botanical Garden

      Madagascar’s plants, Costa Rica flowers, roses, waterfall, and varieties of flowers all found in one place, and that place is Cleveland Ohio.  The Cleveland Botanical Garden takes you around the world with just staying in Cleveland. In the Botanical Garden there are gardens, glasshouse, café, library, and a gift shop. It is located in University Circle, corner of Cleveland Museum Art. The Cleveland Botanical Garden is a great place to visit because it is beautiful, education, and has great accommodations.

The Cleveland Botanical Garden has had a great history, it was founded in 1930. The Eleanor Armstrong Smith Glasshouse was not opened till 2003 (cb garden). The Green Corps, which gets an opportunity for students to grow plants, started in 1996 (Unger). The early themes were inspired for art and music gardens. The Japanese Garden has been a piece of the garden for over 33 years.
There are varieties of beautiful, exotic, and gorgeous gardens. The Hershey Children’s Garden is the first public children garden in Ohio (CB garden). There is tree climbing, tree houses, and plants which are safe for kids. Another popular garden is the Western Reserve Herb Society. It is known to be the finest public herb garden in United States. If you want to see mountains, hills, and rushing water in a Japanese design, you can stop by the Japanese Garden. There are magnificent and stunning tea garden, with dry landscape, and a strolling garden style (cb garden). If you prefer to be relaxed and calm, you can find that at the Botanical Garden. The C.K. Patrick Perennial Border always has new plants blooming from April to November. The Elizabeth and Nona Evans Restorative Garden is also relaxing with breathtaking flowers, garden wall, paths, and a pool. The Waterfall Garden is peaceful with a lovely waterfall and a bridge that would make you come again to see the eye-catching plants. When you walk into the Mary Ann Sears Swetland Rose Garden you can smell the roses and the lovely scent from a far distance. The garden is a romance landscape that is filled with fifty kinds of stunning roses. This is also location of many weddings. The Botanical Garden is used for private rentals, for wedding ceremonies, wedding receptions, and children’s birthday parties. Bon Appétit, exclusive caterers, would let the guest remember the savory food and the great experience (cb garden). The Children’s birthday party is in the Hershey Garden depending on the month. The wedding is located indoor or outdoor according to the season. The indoor reception would be located in the glasshouse. The glasshouse has two themes which are the Spiny Desert of Madagascar and the Lust Rainforest of Costa Rica. The Lust Rainforest of Costa Rica has hundreds of colorful, vivid butterflies and out of the ordinary birds. The Eleanor Armstrong and Smith Glasshouse is open for public and tourists.
If you want to learn how to garden at your own backyard, you can visit two places at the Botanical Garden. The Eleanor Squire Library has books on the subject of gardening. The books can be checked out with a library card. The five theme gardens are made to motivate the people (Washington). Ann Rosmarin, Rosmarin Landscape Design in Cleveland Height said, “The idea behind this is for people to take home ideas for their own space.” The five themes are Butterfly, Art, Small Conifer, Shade, and Sun Patio Garden. The butterfly garden has a Mediterranean environment with butterfly shrubs. Another popular garden is the Shade Garden which receives less than three hours of sun every day (Washington). After taking a walk through the gardens, you can stop by at the Garden Café. You can enjoy their appetizing and delicious salad and sandwich at the Katherine Philipp Geis Terrance Garden in the warm weather. You can stop by the garden store, to take home a reminder of your wonderful trip to the Botanical Garden. The Cleveland Botanical Garden Store sells toys, books, games, home accessories, unique jewelry, and seasonal items (cbgarden).             
The Botanical Garden is not just for view; it can be very educational for all ages. The Green Corps is a program for high school students to instruct them on healthy lifestyles. They also offer the students a chance to grow plants and get paid (Unger). The student program has 6 sites in Ohio each one is about one to three areas. The Ripe from Downtown gives them a chance to sell vegetables and fruits at downtown (cb garden). It can be great place for field trips, for both young and older students. Young students can be taken to the garden to be introduced to variety of plants and environments. Students in middle school and high school can take advantage of the different species of plants to study environmental biology and botany. In Cleveland we have an opportunity to use the Botanical Garden for education and experiencing environment that are not native to our region and we should not let the opportunity pass unused.
            The Cleveland Botanical Garden has an exciting future ahead. Every two years the theme changes to encourage new ideas. The Botanical Garden future goals are to develop and teach visitors and members and to advance the environment (cb garden).The annual Winter Show will be held from November 20th to January 2nd. It is great for families to view because it appeals to all ages. The family can take pleasure in the free skating, Christmas trees and lights, and the gingerbread display completion (cb garden). The Sense Magazine stated that the Winter Show is “Cleveland’s best holiday display.”
Going to the Cleveland Botanical Garden would be advantageous. There are activities to do for all ages. If you want to relax and ease your mind while admiring true beauty, the garden is the right place for you. It can be educational for all ages. While you are in the University Circle, you can also visit the garden’s library, gift shops, glass house, and a café. Next time you are in Cleveland and looking for something fun to do, visit the Cleveland Botanical Garden to have a great three in one experience. 



Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Native American In Modern Day Media

Who would have ever thought that Avatar is related to Native American history? Native American have left footprints in many areas of the United States. That includes the media, film, and literature. Avatar is a new movie that made it big in the box office. Like most popular movies, it applies and represents many different groups and cultures. In the movie, the characters go to a foreign and undisturbed land where the natives are connected with nature. That is a characteristic associated with Native American lifestyles. When the English come to the new land, the Native Americans gave the English people a second chance and helped them adjust to their new surrounding. In Avatar the princess gave Jake Avatar a second chance and brings him to the new land. In Avatar the Native Americans were represented by big blue humanoids. Next time you are watching TV keep your eyes open for references of history. Media often reflects the real world and the past and present.

"The American West - Native Americans." America's West - Development & History. AmericanWest, 2008. Web. 15 Sept. 2010.

Avatar. Dir James Cameron. 20th Century Fox, 2009.Film

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Story of History

"Until the lion has his or her own storyteller, the hunter will always have the best part of the story"
-African Proverb

History often reflects those who are privileged enough to have the ability to pass their stories on in history. Over the course of history, many people were too oppressed and mistreated to have the opportunity to pass on their story. Many times, those people did not even survive to tell their story. In history many stories of oppressors were transformed into stories of heroes. In the United States, when the colonies were first formed, Native Americans were given a negative image. Native Americans were seen as evil, cruel, ruthless murders. In reality, it was the Native Americans who were oppressed and mistreated. The Native Americans’ land was taken, they were often murdered, and they were killed by European-introduced diseases. The story of the Native Americans is just one example of how those who have power are often the composers of history.